Committed to Protecting Our Environment

Committed to Protecting Our Environment

At Armstrong, we have always believed that our environment must be protected at all costs. As a result, our mission has been to create a profitable company which does not pollute or add poisons to this precious and delicate world we live in. As the Bay Area’s premier painting and roofing company, we have been using environmentally friendly roofing and painting materials that not only protect the environment but which are also of extremely high quality and protect our customers’ most dear and valuable investments.

Nontoxic Paint

Armstrong Painting was one of the first companies to stop using lead-based paints and one of the first to start using and creating environmentally friendly paint products. Concerned about the high levels of indoor pollutants produced by latex paints containing petrochemicals, we have created natural paints using citrus oil instead. These low-toxicity paints have most of the fumes removed during the manufacturing process without losing any of their effectiveness.

Even though today’s technology has enabled paint manufacturers to produce less toxic paints, conventional paints are still categorized as “hazardous waste.” That’s why Armstrong’s natural paints are ideally suited for individuals suffering from allergies or families with babies or young children. These paints may have a slightly higher cost, however, it is an insignificant price to pay when considering the benefits to our health as well as our environment.

Environmentally-Friendly Roofing

Armstrong Roofing was also one of the first roofing companies to introduce and install Foam Roofing (Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Roofing). During the three decades we have been working with SPF roofing systems, we can proudly claim that we have installed more residential foam roofing than any other company in the USA.

Over 30 years ago, we decided to offer our customers this revolutionary form of roofing since it offers flat or low-sloped roofs excellent waterproofing and insulation in one application! This system is ideal for homes and businesses in the Bay Area and San Francisco due to a large number of homes and buildings with flat and low-sloped roofs. Over three decades ago, we realized that SPF roofing systems would be able to provide our customers with affordable and long-lasting protection.

Our predictions about this roofing system have been supported by well-documented research which indicates that SPF roofing can pay for itself within 4.5 years through the saving in energy costs. What’s more, it needs minimal maintenance and is considered to be “Green or Sustainable Building Material.”  Inch-per-inch, it is the most energy efficient roofing material available and provides excellent climate control within a building envelope.  Consequently, we are able to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and thereby reducing greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere.  SPF roofing systems are also considered sustainable due to their proven longevity. In addition, they have been proven to reduce the “urban heat island effect” because their reflective coating does not absorb the sun’s heat. Finally, many of the SPF roof system components have been charter partners in the Energy Star Roofing program, and several companies have been active in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program.

If you would like to learn more about Armstrong’s efforts and policies to provide services that not only help protect our environment but also your pocketbook, call us at 1-877-777-1234 or contact us online.