How Foam Roofing Can Protect Your Hayward Roof More Effectively Than Tar & Gravel

How Foam Roofing Can Protect Your Hayward Roof More Effectively Than Tar & Gravel

Hayward, California, with its vibrant community and diverse landscape, experiences a variety of weather conditions throughout the year. Normally, Hayward experiences warm summers with occasional rain and mild winters, but climate changes we’ve been experiencing the past few years necessitate a robust and reliable roofing system for both homes and commercial buildings. For decades, tar and gravel roofing has been a common choice for flat roofs in Hayward. However, with advancements in roofing technology, spray foam roofing has emerged as a superior alternative, offering exceptional protection, durability, and energy efficiency that surpasses traditional methods.

At Armstrong Foam Roofing, as a leading spray foam roofing contractor in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are dedicated to providing Hayward residents and businesses with the best possible roofing solutions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why foam roofing is a smarter and more effective choice for your Hayward property compared to tar and gravel roofing.

Understanding the Limitations of Tar & Gravel Roofing

Tar and gravel roofing, also known as built-up roofing (BUR), has been a prevalent roofing system for many years. It consists of multiple layers of asphalt felt alternated with hot tar, topped with a layer of gravel for ballast. While offering some level of protection, tar and gravel roofs come with several inherent drawbacks:

tar and gravel roof damaged by temperature fluctuations
  • Limited Lifespan: Tar and gravel roofs typically have a lifespan of 15-20 years, requiring frequent maintenance and potential repairs throughout their lifespan.
  • Susceptibility to Weather Damage: The asphalt layers in tar and gravel roofs are prone to cracking and splitting due to prolonged sun exposure and temperature fluctuations, leading to leaks and water damage.
  • Heaviness: The multiple layers and gravel ballast make tar and gravel roofs exceptionally heavy, putting a strain on the underlying roof structure and potentially requiring reinforcement, especially for older buildings.
  • Low Energy Efficiency: Tar and gravel roofs offer minimal insulation, contributing to higher energy bills for heating and cooling your Hayward property.
  • Maintenance Demands: Regular maintenance, including inspections, resealing, and gravel replacement, is crucial for maintaining the integrity of tar and gravel roofs, adding to the overall cost of ownership.

Why Foam Roofing is the Ideal Choice for Hayward

Hayward’s unique climate, with its combination of warm summers and occasional rain, demands a roofing system that can withstand various weather conditions while offering superior insulation properties. Spray foam roofing, also known as spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing, is a revolutionary roofing solution that addresses the limitations of tar and gravel roofs. It involves applying a layer of foam directly to the roof deck, which expands and cures to form a seamless, monolithic roofing system.

Armstrong spray foam roofing system for flat roofs

Foam roofing offers numerous advantages over tar and gravel, making it a compelling choice for Hayward property owners:

Unmatched Durability

Foam roofs boast an exceptional lifespan of more than 50 years, often exceeding the lifespan of the building itself, with minimal maintenance required. You only have to recoat your foam roofing every 15-20 years to continue to preserve and protect it against the elements and extend its lifespan.

Superior Strength and Weather Resistance

The closed-cell structure of foam provides exceptional strength and resilience against harsh weather conditions, including intense sunlight, rain, hail, and even minor foot traffic. 

The foam density used by Armstrong Foam Roofing is rated at 3LB which means that our roofs have the highest quality roofing foams available today. The 3LB foam used offers high insulation values, strength, and exceptional longevity.

Lightweight and Flexible

Foam roofing is significantly lighter than tar and gravel (60 lbs per 100 square feet versus 600 lbs per 100 square feet), putting minimal stress on the roof structure and making it suitable for various applications, including retrofitting older buildings, especially the iconic Eichler homes.

Exceptional Insulation

Foam offers superior thermal insulation properties, significantly reducing heat transfer and lowering energy bills for both heating and cooling your Hayward property. special coating is designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less heat. The research reports that cool roofs “can stay more than 50°F cooler and save energy and money by using less air conditioning.” According to Nobel Prize winner, Dr Steven Chu, “If a (white) building is air-conditioned, it’s going to stay cooler and use 10 to 15 percent less electricity.”

Leak-Free Performance

The seamless nature of foam roofing eliminates the risk of leaks associated with seams and gaps common in tar and gravel roofs that result from heat transfer and expansion and contraction. Consequently, you won’t have to worry about ponding water which is a common problem for Hayward’s flat roofs due to improper drainage or structural issues. Your resulting foam roof will be highly resistant to leaks, cracks, and other common roofing issues, ensuring long-term durability and performance.

Environmentally Friendly

A simple recoat every 20 years can help keep your Hayward foam roofing system performing flawlessly, eliminating the need for expensive and wasteful roof replacements. Additionally, foam’s unique ability to adhere to existing surfaces often allows for installation without extensive removal of the old roof, saving you time and money. 

Foam roofing truly offers a long-lasting, sustainable, and cost-effective solution for your home which also helps reduce energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint.

Choosing Armstrong Foam Roofing for Your Hayward Roofing Project

At Armstrong Foam Roofing, we understand the unique needs of Hayward property owners and are committed to delivering exceptional spray foam roofing solutions. We utilize exceptionally high-quality materials and employ skilled and experienced roofing professionals to ensure proper installation and long-lasting results.

Here’s why choosing Armstrong Foam Roofing for your Hayward roofing project is the right decision:

  • Experienced and Certified Professionals: Our team consists of certified and experienced spray foam roofing specialists who are dedicated to providing exceptional service and meticulous craftsmanship. Most importantly, we have more than 40 years of experience in installing foam roofing systems! We are also proud to claim that we have installed more residential foam roofing than any other company in America.
  • Customizable Solutions: We understand that every project has unique requirements. We offer personalized consultations and tailored foam roofing solutions to meet your specific needs and budget.
  • Commitment to Quality: We use only the highest quality spray foam materials to ensure optimal performance and durability for your Hayward roof.
  • Competitive Pricing and Financing Options: We offer competitive pricing to help make foam roofing accessible for your Hayward property.
  • Comprehensive Warranties: We provide comprehensive 15-year warranties offering you peace of mind and long-term protection for your investment.

Invest in Long-lasting Protection with Foam Roofing

Upgrading your Hayward roof to spray foam roofing is an investment in the longevity, energy efficiency, and overall value of your property. Armstrong Foam Roofing is your trusted partner for exceptional spray foam roofing solutions in Hayward.

Contact us today for a free consultation and roofing quote! Our experienced team will assess your specific needs and provide you with a personalized plan to transform your Hayward roof with the superior protection and benefits of foam roofing.

Don’t settle for the limitations of traditional roofing methods. Choose the superior protection, durability, and energy efficiency of foam roofing for your Hayward property.